Newsletter Outside
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Letter from the Director

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Hello families, friends and visitors,

 As you all are aware, we love to have family, friends and visitors here to visit their loved ones however, as a friendly reminder to all, the Flu Season is still in effect through April.  Due to this, in order to keep our resident's and BFM’s (staff members) safe from exposure to the Flu, I do ask for you to please, do not visit the branch, if you have any cold or flu-like symptoms.

 Please know, we are just a phone call away and at anytime, you are free to call our branch to see how your loved one is doing.



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Also, for those resident's that have not received the Flu Shot, it is not too late, we still have some available. Please see Adrienne the RN, if you would like a Flu Shot.


As always, thank you for being a part of our Bickford family and we look forward to spending time with you all throughout 2019.




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   Resident Spotlight: Nancy Dale

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Nancy was born January 16, 1947 in Yuma, Arizona.  Her father managed and was chief engineer at the only television station in the desert community.  As a child she took piano lessons, and later became proficient on the pipe organ.  Nancy graduated Valedictorian of the Yuma High School class of '65, and went on to Pomona College in Claremont, California.  In 1969 she and friends toured Europe, and visited many pipe organ sites.  She enrolled as a Masters of Library Science student at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, moving into the same apartment building as her future husband Byron.  After receiving her Master’s degree in August 1970, she married Byron Dale.  Nancy spent several years of service as a librarian at the public library, and later accepted a position as medical librarian at St. 


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Anthony Hospital.  Nancy went on to become a certified medical librarian. After 14 years at St. Anthony’s she went to Swedish American Hospital, and served for another 17 years. Nancy was also an avid gardneer. Shrubs, flowers, and vegetables thrived under her watchful eye. If she wasn't gardening she enjoyed going to concerts and community events. When younger she and Byron enjoyed tent camping in Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa and Minnesota. Later they would often go West to visit her family or to vacation in the Rockies.  The Grand Tetons and Rocky Mountain National Park were two of her favorites.  A special highlight of those trips was the long day hikes her and Byron would take into the mountains.  In 2016 Nancy became a member of the Bickford family.  

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