We are so excited to turn the page to February! Our theme days for the month are the Superbowl, President's Day, and of course Valentine's Day! We also added a few more days that we will be celebrating, Groundhog Day and National Iowa Day. Our festivities will definitely keep us busy!
Our musicians this month are Stan Dudley, Maurice Jules, and Neil Hewitt! We are looking forward to having them perform for us. Other special events include two Target trips, an outing to the Des Moines Art Center, and our monthly Birthday Party!
Also on the calendar, we have some new activites lined up! On Valentines Day, we will be making Valentine cards for everyone with personalized mail boxes! For Presidents Day, we will be playing Presidents Trivia and Presidents themed games. Lastly, we will be trying some new taste tests, travel videos for a vitual getaway, and a guided relaxation.